With your user account as manufacturer, calculation software developer or plant operator you automatically got information on a monthly basis or on a up-to-day basis after login to gasketdata.org. To increase the benefit and to offer the features to a bigger number of users we transferred those functions to a new level. See the following paragraphs how the features developed for gasketdata.org as of 2021.
Your account, you may had for gasketdata.org, is not needed any longer since 2021! We have removed the possibility to log in to gasketdata.org completely and created new methods to gain even better functionality. Administration of gaskets and gasket data is done on gasketcloud.com since 2021. Gasket manufacturers and users of the gasket data can use the user interface there, which has indeed a much wider functionality. If you had an account at gasketdata.org before this account is not longer valid and the former credentials can not be used at gasketcloud.com.
We offer to send you the news about updated gaskets and updates to gasketdata.org by e-mail without the need to register for gasketdata.org. For this you just have to subscribe to the Newsletter. In addition to that you can use our RSS-Feed or just go to the service page Recent Changes and get the updates there on demand.
If you are manufacturer of gaskets and want to publish or already have published data on gasketdata.org, you need to register at gasketcloud.com to add and administrate your product data. A account at gasketcloud.com is a service which is independend of gasketdata.org.